Saturday, July 26, 2008

Interested in Biodiesel?

Here is a new book about how biodiesel can help us fight global warming.

From thir website:

"Let's set things straight!

In America, we use gasoline in our cars primarily, but diesel engines drive all of our service vehicles from school buses to garbage trucks, construction equipment, marine, planes, trains and hundreds of thousands of semi's shipping food and goods each day. Thats alot of pertroleum, and alot of pollution!
Biodiesel is petroleum FREE, and will double the life of an engine and reduce carbon emmissions by 78%!

And biodiesel can be produced in abundance, close to home, without harming our food crops or precious rainforest!"

You can download this book as an MP3 too - which has even less impact on the environment. Click the image below to learn more.

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